
That’s what I liked about it because I didn’t notice until it was pointed out also, and it wasn’t the standard version where someone like Netflix or Charlie Booker announces a month ahead of release saying “And hey guys, all the leads are women this season, and one is a minority women! See how diverse we’re being

I didn’t like metalhead either. It’s like they were leaning heavily on the ending being so heartbreaking that they didn’t concentrate enough on the actual story

The second story just kinda dragged a little too long. I rewatched that episode last night and outright skipped it

I really liked this episode. But going back and rewatching it I had to skip the “Monkey Loves You” bit because that did seem to drag on a little too long. The twists and creepiness level of the episode I thought ware done very well. I’m only doing S4 since ranking the entire series would take a while, but...

No but he’s an accessory to murder.

I like the idea of knowing Solo was a roguish scoundrel who put himself first only caring about a payday second (dropping Jabba’s cargo). It’s called character development when someone like that comes back to save the day like he did at the end of ANH. What I’m fearing SOLO does is make him a

RO was a good concept because it expanded a hotly debated topic.

Nope, you’re allowed to have your own long as it aligns with that of the person you’re talking to, otherwise you’ll be berated.

I hated it, TFA and the prequels so I’ll stick to the Original Trilogy box set thank you very much. I liked Rogue One enough to see it a second time in theaters with a different friend who hadn’t seen it yet, but not enough to buy it. I did stream it on NetFlix recently and had to skip a large portion of the first

Is that Lando or Maurice Moss?

As they teach us the true true

Jennifer Lawrence being relatable?

Until the racist crap Chelsea Handler was just another “comedian” who was never funny, but he was really attractive so people put up with her shitty jokes.

Kate Mara gets the roles because of her connections and because she has the family wealth to lean back on waiting for the right roles, as opposed to all the other struggling actors and actresses who have to take the small shitty roles because, you know, they wouldn’t be able to pay their bills otherwise.

weighs a buck-5 soaking wet and can take on a group of 5 burly henchmen knocking em out on 1 or 2 kicks while an equally burly male hero with her spends the entire time punching each other retarded with only 1

Or... plan to restore internet freedom

This guy probably has a fiberline installed directly to his house with uncapped speeds because of how much he fucked over the nation to benefit Comcast. They’ll send him hookers and blow daily for the rest of his life for what he did for them

...and the current president wants his people deported

You can do all of this, so long as it’s on one of the approved services paying your ISP for rights, and it doesn’t involve content or opinions deemed “unfit” or isn’t aligned with the current government