“didn’t meet BuzzFeed News’ editorial standards.”
“didn’t meet BuzzFeed News’ editorial standards.”
Sweet Christ I think I need to take some penicillin after reading those
Really makes this QT skit from SNL seem exceptionally different...
Mellow Mushroom > Marco’s > Pizza Hut > Dominos > Chuck E Cheese > CiCi’s > Sam’s Club fresh pizza > Sam’s Club ready to cook pizza > Little Caesar’s 5 dollar hot-and-ready > Papa Johns > Little Ceaser’s 5 dollar hot-and-ready pizza box with some grease and cheese stuck to the cardboard.
Frank Underwood? More like Frank 6-feet-underwood
I said the same thing about attending a catholic grade school. K-8, not once propositioned or diddled by one of the priests. Was I not molestable?!?!
I had no idea what they were trying to do with Billy. I thought there was going to be a bigger darker secret why he’s so over-protective of Max, why he’s trying to keep the reason they moved to Hawkins so secretive, almost runs over the kids because Max wouldn’t tell him whatever he wanted in the car, and so forth. …
How the hell do hacks like Alex Kurtzman and Akiva Goldsman still get work?!
Siri, you know the countries am asking for...Soze it!
90lb getting near blackout drunk yet showing up just fine to school the next day? Totes realistic.
Tried to bring to light hidden issues of sexual assault and rape...mixed in between blatantly offensive antisemitic bits and characters. It’s difficult trying to be poignant while promoting assault on the daughter...
And has been funny for about 3
This is what happens living in a world of “it’s everyone else’s fault but mine”
After immediately watching the documentary it because staggering in my mind how he was even remotely guilty. Then followup with other evidence which was not even alluded to in the show...yeah it becomes pretty damning.
What got me was they introduce the trash people and can only get them to join their cause by bringing them a shitload of guns...which Rick and Michonne conveniently happen upon at a damned carnival. I was fully expecting the twist at the finale to be that they were only playing Negan and actually allied with Rick’s…
To be fair, in a sense, arc in the comic usually last for only 6 issues while All Out War last 12 and even upped the issue release from being monthly to every 2 weeks IIRC.
I used to watch it religiously the first few seasons, despite the constant knuckle-dragging and stretching things out waaay too long (the prison and governor were not worth 2 seasons), the insane plot-armor for certain characters, but when they slow burned on Negan for half a damn season, then draaaged out his…
I used to religiously watch it on Sundays. They dragged the Prison and Governor on far too long, and draaaaged the Negan introduction too long, then the BS cliffhanger finale.
The big question is, how much $$ is Kaep asking to get signed somewhere? It’s a big difference if he’s wanting 10 million or 1 million.
Then take into account his constant sulking and pouting on the sidelines his first few years in the league, to where even his own teammates, including vet Steve Smith Sr, had to get in his face to set his straight. Then, during the 2015 super bowl run season was an absolutely braggadocios over every little thing,…