The Notorious J.O.E.

I think it says a lot about these private detention corporations, federal oversight and whistle-blower protections, that the avenue whichever employee was troubled by the incident took was slipping a physical copy into Brandon’s bag. Worse, without the video, these would just be another entry in a long, long list of

Someone offers someone a kind apology, internet is outraged.

He was very good in Moonrise Kingdom 2 years later, and fine in Looper the same year. He seemed engaged (at least) in the Eli Roth Death Wish as recently as 2018. Maybe he was just in a shitty mood on the set of Cop Out, who knows. 


What an entanglement.

Never before have I been so sad to see a person released from hospital as I was last week. Was kinda hoping he’d be leaving via another door. Sorry (not really).

He will never resign (at least while a Democrat is in the White House), he will never recuse himself from any case even if was literally “Ginni Thomas v. Biden,” and he will never face any consequences whatsoever. And because Republicans have so fundamentally broken every branch of our government there’s nothing we

It’s always projection with these fuckers.

The insurrection literally “goes all the way to the top”. They are the “Deep State” they rave madly about. The president, members of the senate, the house of reps and wife of a justice of the Supreme Court are all complicit. It doesn’t get more “Cabal” than this.

If he or those around him were smart they’d immediately use the line “do you expect him to control what his wife does or think” to undercut criticism but then I doubt he or those around him are that smart to do so if they’re so blatantly doing shit like this.

Honestly, when this happened, my first thought was “How is Fox News going to use this to say something about Hollywood elites/make Trump look better?” The problem is that with Fox News, violence is always an answer, so they can’t condemn that. But saying hurtful shit and saying “I’m just joking!” is also at the top of

I don't know where we got this idea as a society that violence is always wrong. Some people just deserve to have the taste slapped out of their mouth.

I mean, it was COMPLETELY unexpected, wasn’t it? If you had to take a guess on 10,000 things that would’ve happened at the Oscars tonight, “Will Smith attacking Chris Rock on stage” would not have been on that list. In a bar, in a home, in private, yes, totally understandable (though still wrong). But on the goddam

I think that’s exactly right. This is also the exact reason I never go to stand-up comedy shows and sit in the front. I hate having to do an awkward laugh when some lame comic does crowd work. That said, Will Smith acted insane. I actually wonder if this kinda breaks the seal on people just punching comics onstage.

My take fwiw (not a lot): he initially started the same awkward chuckle actors always do when the host takes the piss out of them. Tried to laugh it off. But Jada was not and will lost it, in part because it was his wife and she was clearly hurt 

People saying that have clearly either never been publicly humiliated, or don’t have the self-awareness to know what their face was doing when they were being publicly humiliated.

Honestly I had been so mad that my favorite movies weren’t winning, but after this...I mean, who can take it seriously? It’s high camp.

Talk shit, get hit ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

Good joke, but technically a medium bridges the gap between the world of living and the dead. A clairvoyant is someone who can see into the future. ‘Psychic’ is just an umbrella term for these and other sorts of frauds. KNEW it would be delayed THEREFORE went to the screening to take advantage of the situation and her psychic mom powers!