The Notorious J.O.E.

“Romeo Must Die” is the movie you’re referring to - she was good in that.

I was coming here to also mention Aaliyah as she was first person I thought of with regards to this question.

I agree Teese’s statement didn’t feel strong enough. Especially compared to the condemnation of Manson that Rose McGowan wrote.

Same here. It was the only HR title where the changes didn’t seem arbitrary or solely for spectacle.

Was the Ultimate FF version of the Galactus storyarc similar to the original? Unfortunately, I didn’t get an opportunity to read it.

Heroes Reborn was ill-advised in many, many ways, but the Fantastic Four reinterpretation was the only one that felt remotely fresh and enjoyable.

Ah...see, that’s the crux of why you & I see the movie so differently. I totally and completely could see people falling in line so quickly with Mrs. Carmody (which is why the last 4 years of blind adherence didn’t surprise me*) as I was raised in a branch of Christianty that’s viewed as either harmlessly odd or as har

I’m curious...what exactly do you find mediocre about “The Mist”? I ask out of genuine curiosity...not via snark or animosity. :)

That’s interesting about your feelings about “The Mist”. My husband feels the same way you do - especially with how things turn in the store and that gut-punch ending.

Carey Mulligan is FANTASTIC in this movie. I’d been dying to see it since the trailer launched - and I’m so glad I did. I’ve not been able to get this movie out of my head. It deserves ALL the accolades.

Interesting. I actually enjoyed the movie.

My favorite look of hers was what she did for “Nocturnal Animals”. It could have been a blink-and-you-miss-it role, but of course Riseborough made it so much more.

The word ‘chameleonic’ tends to be overused regarding actors - but Andrea Riseborough truly is. It’s astonishing to me how different she looks in every movie.

She was masquerading using an accent that is not hers. An accent that’s used as a gatekeeping tactic for BIPOC from similar linguistic backgrounds.

I’d beg to differ. The primary reason why people are outraged us because she’s used both an “accent” and a lesser grasp of English to further her brand.

That crossed my mind, too. That they have “an understanding” - and the wife is more (rightfully) ticked that he violated the rules of it (ie, keep it on the low and/or don’t embarrass her publicly, etc.).

I am still pissed that Sweet/Vicious was cancelled. At the risk of sounding crass, the show had the unfortunate luck of being axed right before MeToo became a cultural touchstone. If it had been out a few months later, I wonder if it would’ve lasted longer.

Yeah, knowing the GF (in the past) both outed Plaza’s character and falsely accused her of harassment, yet skips off to a happy ending felt troublesome.  I would've much preferred Stewart's character to have ended up with Plaza's. 

“...punk rock lesbian in Chanel aesthetic.”

Even though the Charlie’s Angels reboot was just ‘eh’ (and dont get me *started* on them trying to recreate an anthem on the level of Independent Women) - Stewart was miles above the best thing in it.