
Find a source then because you’re wrong. He never said anything of the sort. That kind of world is IMPOSSIBLE TO BUILD WITH THE ALGORITHM THEY USE. Literally everyone universe is completely different. Having static places like that would mean having 1 universe that everyone uses and that’s not how the game works.

Top notch hyperbole.

You’re buying a clock....if you want the rest buy a fucking ipod dock already.

You’re buying a clock....if you want the rest buy a fucking ipod dock already.

Most gamers have been tired of cod since mw 2.....

Nice hyperbole to try to get back at Bethesda for their new policy regarding early copies to media.

Its like someone saying “hey don’t eat 5 burgers a day”. So you eat 4 a day for a month. That’s still way too many burgers.

Dude this was a month and a half ago........move on.

50 isn’t that much for it. What more do you want form an alarm? Have never had issues with mine knocking over. And if its to low its almost like you could move it somewhere else, that’s not the alarms fault.

50 isn’t that much for it. What more do you want form an alarm? Have never had issues with mine knocking over.

I cant speak for the rest but I have the HF3250 and it has 2 alarm settings. I have a separate alarm for weekends. It doesn’t have a program where you can say like M W F do alarm 1 and rest do 2. But there are two alarm buttons to turn the alarm on and they can be set to different times.

I cant speak for the rest but I have the HF3250 and it has 2 alarm settings. I have a separate alarm for weekends.

The only difference between a war vet and a common murderer is one of them got paid for their job.

Found the salty brainwashed mac fan.

To be fair pretty much anyone who isnt some dike feminist are sick of women this election cycle too.

If you think this ends at election day you’re ignorant. They’ve already said multiple times Trump is a mainstay in the republican party now and will at the very least have his on political show. If you think hes just going to silently slip into the night you’re literally autistic.

Nintendo is full retard if they don’t adopt this for their marketing campaign.

Not everyone who plays an MMO is “addicted” nice hyperbole though.

Nice hyperbole cunt.

Probably means bleak as in internet auto payments and banking stops working and 99% of bank cards because useless at shops. Enjoy dying old man, the world has passed you by.

Not really. My tank who only runs mythics around +3-+5 is 855 ivl compared to my 4/7 heroic shaman whos 860. Mythic plus’ actually give very good gear.

If he’s doing +8-+10 then its honestly on par with mythic raid gear.

Oh look gawker is still sucking apples cock like its full of their dads acceptance.

So anyone who lies three times is toxic. Good to see all of humanity is toxic.