Meanwhile The Criterion Channel has been absolutely kicking everyone’s ass up, down, and sideways with their truly inventive topical curation of late. Cat films, motherfuckers, I’m a talking a whole section of big-mood cat films. It’s great.
Meanwhile The Criterion Channel has been absolutely kicking everyone’s ass up, down, and sideways with their truly inventive topical curation of late. Cat films, motherfuckers, I’m a talking a whole section of big-mood cat films. It’s great.
Having a movie about Mando and Grogu end up being about Luke and Padme is like if a show about Boba Fett ended up being about Mando and Grogu, so it’s a real possibility!
I think what I want most is for it to tie into the rest of the Star Wars fiction as little as possible. And I’m a huge Star Wars fan! Seen all of Clone Wars and Rebels and love that stuff. But I enjoy The Mandalorian way more when he is meeting all these new characters, fighting new creatures, visiting new locales.
“Copyright expired”
What got it all started for me was receiving an NES for Christmas in 1988/89. It was that combo pack that came with Mario Bros and Duck Hunt on one cart, two controllers, and the light gun. I’ve been hooked ever since!
In this case, it's "a movie and six seasons!"
Six seasons seems reasonable, really, for such a high concept. I thought season five was a bit weak (yet still terrific) and, anyway, shows don’t go on forever. Six is more than most shows get. That said, I am open to a Jackie Daytona spinoff.
Six seasons?! That means a movie!
I know you guys aren’t fans of publishing stories of YouTube exposes, but the videos about the Completionist and his half-assed explanations are pretty damning.
I’ve no idea who these gaming YouTubers are, but I enjoy some good take-down schadenfreude.
Good picks. The day before and the alleged completionist charity fraud are definitely missing
There is a LOT of awesome music on Homicide — two that stick out is Peter Gabriel’s “No Self Control” and the ‘70s music on the Gas Man episode with Bruno Kirby.
For me, it’s the fact that once reliable chain stores like Duane Reade/Walgreens or Target have become wildly understaffed. Here in NYC, these stores have started locking up necessary goods like toothpaste, baby formula, or detergent to stop shoplifting, requiring you to hit a button to summon a worker to open the…
I get the point here but it feels like an Andy Rooney rant.
“That’s no moon, it’s a space station. There’s a small thermal exhaust port, right below the main port.”
Fast, cheap, available; pick two.
Making James Stephanie Sterling’s job easier when it comes time for the Shittiest Games of the Year awards, lol.
Florida Man, Florida Man,
Hit on the head with a frying pan,
Lives his life in a garbage can,
Florida Man.
Is he depressed? Or is he a mess?
Does he feel totally worthless?
Who came up with Florida Man?
Degraded man, Florida Man.
Serious Florida Man vibes.
there’s one sequence where a meeting is interrupted by the need for a second meeting about the first meeting, and then everyone goes back and continues the first meeting
As impressive as all of this new technology is, making Godzilla look like a real, honest-to-God creature, nothing beats the magic of when I was a little kid, tuning into Creature Features after school, and watching some guy in a rubber suit trampling all over a model of Tokyo.