Not to defend musk but at that time I think his home address was Texas. So pretty normal for those parts
Not to defend musk but at that time I think his home address was Texas. So pretty normal for those parts
I’m just waiting for him to unveil his doomsday device (that his engineers built, but he’ll take credit for) and threaten to detonate it unless people like him.
I am SHOCKED! Shocked I tell you!
Planetary is even better. The best.
Wasn’t that Once Upon a Time?
Right?? Like as if Nintendo would actually model a fully-nude Peach to hide behind that silhouette. I don’t understand how anyone could watch her scenes and think they are in any way scandalous. Disney cartoons have featured more detailed (and sexualized) nudity than this.
The MCU’s commitment to its own lore means all of its plotlines are exhaustingly entangled.
The best episode was clearly The Springfield Files.
It IS a scifi toy from the 60's. Literally.
I’m glad the season is getting a good review, but I didn’t read past the first couple of paragraphs — partially I want to avoid anything that even looks like a spoiler, but mostly because I don’t like this take that there was anything wrong with season three.
I’ll augment that by saying that I’m one of those weirdos who really loves season 5 (Archer: Vice). But anyway, my view is, set aside a couple hours on a Saturday and binge the first 8 or 9 episodes of season 1. If you’re not into it by then, you can probably stop. If you are, well then, your weekend is planned.
Seriously, Conroy, Hamill and Sorkin. Everyone in Batman: TAS series, hell, the whole DCAU, knocked it out the park, but those three were on a completely different, character-defining level. All three are the voices I hear when I read their characters.
RIP. Just like Hamill will always be my generation’s Joker, Sorkin will always be our Quinn.
After getting shunned by the Jedi, would it not make sense for Ahsoka to be cautious in some ways? Also, didn’t almost every other Jedi master act reluctant to train when given an opportunity?
The YV never really felt particularly “Star Wars,” more like something a hungover EU writer typed up in a proposal after a long weekend of drunken Warhammer. And this was during the early days of the prequel era, so everything Lucas was introducing in the new movies, like the Sith, was largely out of bounds.
Heh, that’s not even the half of it:
And that’s fine. Retcons to make a better story or adapt to out of control changes happen all the time.
Maybe it’s the same now (but I doubt it) but high school/college was a wild time for this shit. Maxim/Esquire/Gear/whatever mags, the last gasp of sex-driven comedies with casual nudity,, Tucker Max and all his bullshit... I feel like that reached a peak when I was in the late teens/early 20s, but I…
2600 and 7800 games, but not the 5200 games? Come on, my Atari catalog was making that 5200 look like the best thing ever.
I thought the same thing, plus Batman Begins, Thor, Breath of the Wild, Avatar, John Carter, Prisoner of Azkaban. But mostly Star Wars.