
Yeah but how many lobsters do you think you can fit in that trunk?

Seriously guys? I come to this site for car news. Not deals on trash cans. Come on.

They hired me to hold up the front wheel.

best gif ever. MIKE!!

Also, two seats??

you guys still hosting a party at/after the show?

Draw a reverse cab over with the cabin the the back w/ a small engine underfoot and an epically long front bed. Zero wasted space and it would (could (should (might))) pass crash tests. Plus you could see all your shit that you didn't tie down.

It also looks like "The Fly"...

What's the conversion cost for getting normal sized wheels?

Quick someone call Ken Blockingstoviski!

Someone call Ken Blockingston!

Uh...Mario Andretti is driving a two seater in the race? God we wish that was a real thing that was happening.

It looks like it's swallowing its tiny wheels.

My Buick Skylark had a digital speedo. And it was limited to 85. No joke. Up above that (it was a V6, so yes it got up over that) it just blinked on and off. The only way I could estimate just how fast A speed I actually hit was by how long I had to hold the brakes before it stopped flashing 85. Good times. It died a

PICTURES ARE BACK ON THE HOMEPAGE! Why they left, we will never know.

If someone in this forum has one were ready to shoot a video that's not blurry blount.

So. Much. Want. Sploosh. #childrenofthe80s

Who is Apex? If you guys want help shooting let me know.

Looks perfectly driveable to us...

Great article Orlove. No road test of a beat 80's Jetta? (: Keep the adventures coming.