Skate or Die...Great got it...Cool remake...Now...Where the fck is my Road Rash 3d remake!?!?!?!?...Now I know there was an early beta remake that got canned, but seriously!? Think of the multiplayer possibilities??...I guess till then I'll just Skate or Die...
@KamWrex: I have definitely heard of the firing squads only having a only few real bullets and rest blanks. Same idea there with the diffusion of responsibility...I'm pretty sure this method started that idea.
It's gonna be weird playing this game since my name is Anthony...I've never played a game where my name was heard all over it. Must be like if anyone named Leon played RE 4
I knew it was rare, but I didn't know we are running out. Seems like we always have too much of what we don't need and not enough of what we do....Yay struggle!
@ImprobableJoe: Which is a shame because RE had all the chances in the world to become the new "Dawn of the Dead" or at least pave a way for Zombie/Horror/Suspense films, but all good franchises what did they do?
@juldc: Yeah. Almost looks as bad as a SciFi movie.
@GoldenLink: No hate. We all just feel very sorry for you. Its ok if you didnt play the games and had all your expectations smashed. We're the victims here, not you.
@solarphinn: Boosh! Score! Yes!
This movie will be the Old Yeller of this series...It's time to take Jovo to the back barn and put some buckshot inbetween those eyes....I can't wait for the reboot or remake...Is there a way to permanently forget terrible movies you've seen??
@pandafresh: Agreed! The movie was already there, they just needed to shoot the content, not, freaking make up a bunch of crap....Even tho they got Nemesis kinda spot on.
hahaha...The NES case says, "Fukc Yoshi and Luigi!!" Mario's raging.
wow...I wish I never knew what Sonic was, so that this would be all that I knew of it. He should have picked a game series that'll get him work tho...Someone hire this guy!
This would be beautiful in NYC!!
Hahaha...Harkness had no idea...THANKS FOR THE RIFLE BUDDY!
@collex: What Jamboni said.Its from a run of Uncanny X-men earlier in 09
Zoo Hypothesis.
This may just be crazy enough to work...Better this than the piss poor attempt to recreate the New Xmen jackets and make it feel realistic...Yes, some stories require a more grounded feel, but Xmen is Xmen...In the title alone I should expect "classic" over the top heroics with color-full villians, keeping Xmen, dark…
@Andy Neil: Depends on what side of Mercury they were on. On the dark side they'd be saying, "Holy shit it's COLD!"
@packetloss: The whole time I read this with Picard's voice in my head...So funny.