The Man Roldan

Just tell me when its over please...I can't wait for this movie to be out of theaters already.

Very well put. Totally enjoyed this article...yeah, right...No really, I did. : )

@Chewblaha: I have tattoos. And I'm gonna be the coolest old dude with some badass pin-ups tattoos. Our generation is going to be the coolest old people generation. We grew up with tech and video games, it'll never leave us.

@Chewblaha: That makes no sense. A typical comment from someone without tattoos.

@PunkyChipsAhoy: It amazes me that you can't see this as art or even slightly appreciate that the tattoos are about video games; you just shat on the whole thing. Thanks.

@Boibi: Unwilling knowing that I'm liking a dudes ass?? Hmmm I going with No Thanks.

I can't tell if that's a dude or a chick's ass?


Oh. I get it. She's insane.

Cool. I should be able to hold my own on the streets since I play so much Street Fighter.

Poor Kinect. Is anyone using it for what it's meant to be used for? Poor guys at Microsoft must be like "Oh shit, we suck" I don't here anyone really hacking the Move? Or have I missed those vids?

This is disturbing.



This must be how God made people.

I can't wait to NEVER see Transformers 3.

Ain't THAT a kick in the head.

@theblazeuk: If you read what I said to Belladonna 77...I wanted more of Rick figuring things out on his own, but get what youre saying...Fine, let Rick wander a bit, let Morgan find him, heal him, explain a thing or two for dramatic effect, ok we learn Morgan lost his wife, let them gear up at the station.....and

@Belladonna77: Agreed. I just didnt feel like we needed to draw it out right off the bat. Rick wakes up and then its this guys story. I wanted more Rick figuring out things for himself. We'll get all those "zombie life lessons" soon enough.