The Madwoman of Chaillot

Please, sir/and/or ma’am. I think I might love you.

To be fair, Will Smith isn’t actually a good actor. He got that award b/c he’s been in Hollywood for decades.

Ditto Dax Shepard and Kristen Bell. Just shut up already, folks.

It’s alopecia, not cancer. In most cases - likely Jada’s b/c I get the feeling that she’d talk about it if it were - it is essentially harmless. Ask me how I know.

I’ve been veg (vegan and vegetarian, depending) since 1998, and I am loving this era for the availability of plant-based versions of things. Back in the day, it was lentils and tofu. TVP, if you were luck. The downside, though, is that I couldn’t have had even a forkful of anything described in this article, as

I accidentally got a case (8 rolls) of bamboo toilet paper from Grove, when they added it to my cart as a “we think you’ll like this!” and I didn’t check my cart before my auto-ship.

Now do DISC.

Then don’t do it. I don’t actually care - it was merely a suggestion. 

There are other ways of insulating things, you know. Wrap it in a wet towel. Use an ice pack. Put the whole shebang into ice water and then wrap that in a wet towel. I mean, what do you want me to say? JFC, it was just a suggestion.

Apparently, it’s a bluetooth-enabled ultrasonic (?) fruit and vegetable sanitzer.


Oh, it’s definitely a joke. :) 

Then replace the water. I don’t know what else to tell you.

There’s no such thing as a “hypoallergenic dog.” People react to enzymes in the dog’s saliva, not to their fur or dander. 

This made me grind my teeth.

Honey absolutely lasts indefinitely. Those crystals aren’t a sign of spoilage, they’re just...crystals. If you want to return your honey to its original consistency, submerge the jar in hot water for a few minutes. VOY O LA! Good as new!

Get a butter bell!  The bottom is cool/cold water, and you submerge the butter (that’s been placed in the top) into the water. The butter stays fresh and cool, and remains spreadable.

um. There are no standard training requirements to become a doula. Yes, you can take a course somewhere, but even then, if you’re lucky, it may only amount to about 12 hours of training. Doulas are not paid well because they have no formal training. You could have attended your sister’s birth, take a one-night class

That wasn’t war. That was terrorism.

This is the perfect gif for this.