The Madwoman of Chaillot

Isn’t this the same guy who used to go by “Hot Medic” (BARF) before all this started? Christ, what a smarmy fuck.

JFC, these two are exhausting.

That particular model can - and does - go off without the trigger being pulled. There are any number of articles/videos from way before Haylana’s death that talk about it.

So what is with all these new, troll-ish accounts that are suddenly in the blacks? I’ve been on this site for over a decade, was in the blacks, was thrust back into the greys, and now I can’t get out. But these victim-blaming dickwads can comment with no barriers? Come on, now.


I have eaten Campbell’s (and it can only be Campbell’s) Cream of Mushroom soup straight from the can since the ‘90s. It’s squishy and fabulous.

Oh. Oh, my.

The mattress topper is no longer $24 for any size, FYI.

The mattress topper is no longer $24 for any size, FYI.

I once had the pleasure of sharing a table with Harvey Fierstein at a fundraiser, and he was an absolute delight. He’s funny and kind, and acerbic all at once. And I’ll never forget that when Michelle Lee took the stage, he leaned down the table and urgently intoned, “Oh my gawd, it’s Michelle Lee! Everybody hide your

🎶Two Brits!🎶

Ok, but the library sex scene in Atonement is HOT AF. 

*rubs hands together in fiendish manner*

I read this comment, and then I heard Aubrey’s amazing laugh in my head. 

...and then add sour cream. Trust me on this.

As an Actual Italian™...carry on.

Kirkland Prosecco is a DOCG (Vino a Denominazione di Origine Controllata e Garantita ) from Italy and is quite good. 

The Annie Murphy episode with the “you BOIL your pancakes?!??” made me laugh so hard that I hurt myself coughing. The whole series is just *chef’s kiss*

I’m from Italy, so I hate-watched the film, but I was surprised at how much I actually liked Jared Leto. There was so much scenery-chewing *cough*LadyGaga*cough*, but he managed subtle camp without going TOO over. 

I don’t know how I missed this interview, because I absolutely LOVE “Abbott Elementary.” The whole cast is just stellar.

Brokeback Mountain (and, to a slightly lesser extent, Edward Scissorhands) made me cry so hard I got a fever.