a random bystander

Maybe I’m giving them too much credit, but I am astonished that they thought they could appropriate Pac’s and Biggie’s images without consulting with their respective estates.

I buy a lot of useless crap, and I genuinely don’t understand why someone would buy a shirt with a picture of Tupac that has Kylie’s (Kendall’s?) initials on it. Even if someone were a fan of the Kardashians, it makes no sense.

Some people wait till the whole series is done so they don’t have to wait!

Counterpoint, yes you do.

Exactly. They cancelled it like 5 minutes after they released the 2nd season. Cruel and unkind.

Maybe if netflix gave it more of a chance, more people would have watched it. I didn’t start watching it till the second season came out. We now plan our watching around our own schedules. If a show is going to be on netflix for a while, I will watch it when I want to, not when it comes out.

This is largely beside the point but I’m curious whether they at least tested the gun on another copy of the same book.

Not a Darwin he has two kids, his genes have spread.

How is it possible for a 71 year old man to have ZERO social graces???

Only a jerk tries to touch someone else’s pet without permission.

Try to pick someone who won’t end up emotionally abusing you.

My anecdata suggests that men in long term relationships are happier than the women in them


The girl had to be messing around and somehow got completely outside the ride and couldn’t pull herself back in. I can’t imagine any other explanation on such a slow, enclosed ride. Kids!

I know: you’d do the dishes.

I like the way they think! - George Michael Bluth

How ‘bout a bill that requires classes teaching police how to interact with kids?

nope—if her oppositional defiant disorder had been addressed when she was younger, she may have been able to develop some human empathy. as it is, she is likely now has full blown antisocial personality disorder and will be a sociopath for the rest of her life. unless it is addressed at the very latest in the early

I strongly doubt that she will get anything from this except for sympathy *for herself*. This is not normal teenage behavior. Normal teenagers do fucked up things. They bully, they tease, they point out flaws and they even casually tell people to “kill yourself” (although the internet has taught us that sadly, adults

She may have legally been a minor, but there’s no magical change that happens from the age of 17 to 18. This wasn’t a bad decision in the moment, it was calculated and happened over a span of months. She even texted a friend once she knew the police had her phone that she would go to jail because she was responsible