a random bystander

For real. I’m sure America will be fine, mostly because Trump has no actual policies to enact - though I am quite worried about his interactions with other foreign leaders. Also, that was kind of the problem with W, and one of the reasons we’re kind of looking back on W as “harmless” compared to Trump - the real jerk

America will. There are vulnerable people here who might not.

The bullying element has grown SO much now that kids have technology at their fingertips 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Used to you could go home and be safe from hate, but not anymore. Bullying (combined with mental health issues) is what landed my daughter in a psychiatric hospital last month with suicidal thoughts.

The irony here is so delicious this post could almost be considered Foodspin.

It’s so sad the way we vilify those with infectious diseases. I recently had active tuberculosis and had to have an entire contact investigation done (including everyone I’d spent three hours w/ in the past year—at work, bars I went to, etc.). That sucked. And it sucked worse when I realized I’d infected people

You know what, it’s quite plausible that she’s devastated at the thought of not having her dad in her life

Fuck, I wish he was still on the air. Although I’m guessing most of his show would just be him sitting there going...

To be fair she was rather noisy and he was trying to catch some shut-eye between questions.

I’m not that bothered by it anymore. It’s kinda like watching some kids (not your own kids, of course) gorge themselves on Halloween candy while intermittently vomiting and then going back for more - all while hanging back with the air of a thousand I-told-you-sos.

Can you turn her microphone off please?

so thats what a seventh degree burn looks like...

How have you managed to remain so optimistic that you still think there’s a possability we might be capable of critical thinking at some point? What’s your secret? Is it Xanax? It’s Xanax, right?

Oh, good. Proud Know-Nothing inserts himself and his bland platitudes into the most complex diplomatic situation in the world. This will surely end well.

“We are coming”




Plus it’s possible that we could just nip this whole situation in the bud with “don’t do meth.”