The Larch

I've only just started watching regularly along with these recaps (thanks to some nice youtubers), and I have to admit I'm a bit perplexed by some of the categories. I spent the entirety of "Lit Bits" dumbfounded as I had no idea what any of the questions or answers meant. Was I missing some arcane knowledge about the

She must have been confused to see herself an a question.


In English, depending on region, there is often a slight schwa sound between certain vowels and before an /l/ on a stressed syllable, which could be considered a diphthong.

I only guessed bear because Arcturus is named for the Greek word for bear, arktos.

I guess he probably had a subplot this episode that was cut due to time and not impacting anything else.

I'm playing Trails of Cold Steel on Vita. I played most of the first part of Trails in the Sky, but it started to wear on me towards the end. Cold Steel has just enough improvements on the battle system to be really engaging, but the experience with TitS certainly helped me adapt to it quickly.

"Old white person not worried about the future."

The painter guy?

Gif only…

Well then you're certainly doing an excellent job helping promote an agenda you allegedly do not agree with.

Some people seem to think that they can extract art that they like from the art world as a whole. It does not work that way.
Removing any art that you have a problem with, be it aesthetically or ideologically, has a severely damaging effect on the entire concept of what "art" means.

I'm hoping it's Lance Reddick. No, not Lance Reddick playing a name partner, Lance Reddick as the name partner.

You underestimate the average AV Club reader's knowledge of 30 Rock quotes.

Are his fingers long enough for fingerpuppets?

Even Australia doesn't deserve that.

Garmonbozia, perhaps.

Maybe he's just roleplaying as his character.

Gimme a secant I'll think of a pun too.