Wealth of Some Nations

The silence of those on this site who have spent the past few years erasing the people of colour supporting Bernie Sanders is deafening.

“I commented on one of your posts explaining your support of Bernie a few months ago, thanking you for your insightful, respectful explanation. You actually changed my mind enough about Bernie that about a month ago I donated to him”

There’s opinionated and there’s down right near-troll level responses (and then the fallout of vile responses from multiple well known accounts). I don’t have the patience to breakdown false equivalences to this “both sideism”. Usually when one is clearly in the wrong and then someone else uses false equivalences and

The “both sides” response to that thread

That wasn’t the commenter. The person I was tslking about has recently dismissed my comment thread so it won’t show up - I’m guessing she must have been reading this current thread. I found another link that might work:

I have have had people say that I am a Bernie Bro and not really a person of colour but I have also seen that done to other countless times to others. I too have just scrolled past these comments. I have seen people stalk my recommendations so they can shit-post on those I have recommended and also blaming me for

Holy fuck I read through that thread and Jesus Christ. How do people read that exchange and think YOU were out of line? It’s just unreal.”

So much of what you said resonated with how I feel. This is one of few comments after a a couple of months because of a similar experience. I too have been on these threads for many years, possibly even a decade. You are not alone. There are a few toxic Warren commenters in Jezebel. For reference this was the thread

I forgive you. I hope you have someone that loves you or will find someone soon. Take care my sister/brother and have a nice day. I bear you no ill will.

Maybe you will have better luck than me:

“What you are really saying to me is that YOUR PRIORITIES trump mine. And that no one is allowed to possess an opinion that contradicts that.”

I’m disappointed in you PersnicketyPants; I expected better. There is no comparison between Thatcher and Warren - only that Thatcher too lived through misogyny and discrimination but her politics did not reflect the working class so just having a female premiere isn't enough.

I wanted to add though Warren handled them woefully the group that was chanting her down was “The Powerful Parent Network” who opposes Warren’s opposition against charter schools, which is backed by the NAACP.

I would recommend Richard D Wolff’s work and Noam Chomsky. Check out Michael Brook’s channel on Youtube. Yanis Varoufakis’ A Brief history of Capitalism and Ha-Joon Chang’s 23 Things about Capitalism are must reads; I would suggest using the library or a local bookstore rather than Amazon if you can.

Now playing

Obligatory video on “reverse racism” by Australian comic Aamer Rahman:

Thanks ... I guess I was right to begin with? Still doesn’t feel right, quirks of English eh?

“Smited” is wrong; it isn’t a word. Smitten or smote would have been better, though I guess “smitten” carries a sense of being struck with love. Maybe someone could kindly enlighten me on the correct use of past participle vs simple (?) past tense here.

If there was a just god she would have smited these forced-birthers by now. Sometimes I wish there was a hell I could damn them to.