Wealth of Some Nations

I’ve got no interest in this movie (well, I shouldn’t say “no interest”; after all I did click on the link) but it was curious to see Les Twins and even Idris Elba in this.

Did I just see Les Twins in that trailer?!?


I would urge one, if haven’t already, to go to local library and read Shock Doctrine by Naomi Klein and Manufactured Consent by Noam Chomsky

Things that have been considered too far left:

It’s easier to dismiss valid criticism as Russian agents or Bernie Bros than to understand the toxic capitalism and foreign policy that Hillary Clinton’s poltical career has ultimately encapsulated (I wonder if we had the universal-healthcare-Clinton of old rather than the apologist she has become we probably would

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It is a shame that too many people on the wrong side of history will never really get their comeuppance (I am an athiest and don’t believe in karma; bite me. I am also using “karma” technically incorrectly but I’m not a Sanskrit scholar so fuck it).

I don’t think Clinton understands one of the biggest draws among Warren’s base/strongest supporters is that she is a more progressive candidate that is not Sanders (various reasons including “Bernie Bros”, she did not criticise Clinton like Sanders did in the previous election, and someone who is not a white male ie

It’s easier to dismiss valid criticism as Russian agents or Bernie Bros than to understand the toxic capitalism and foreign policy that Hillary Clinton’s poltical career has ultimately encapsulated (I guarantee you if we had the single-payer-Clinton of old rather than the apologist she has become we probably would

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Corporate media and there ilk nearly always consistently attack Warren from the right wing perspective too. “MSM” is not left wing unless you consider the low bar of being less racist/sexist/homophobic than Fox News (which I would also argue is also MSM).

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Clinton criticises Warren’s wealth tax (and M4A):

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At this point I’m probably spamming kinja with this video but I can’t resist (Australian standup comic Aamer Rahman):

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Obligatory video by Australian comic Aamer Rahman:

I guess defending Bill “Epstein-associated” Clinton against sexual assault and rape allegations should not be the hill one is willing to die on. Fuck these monsters (or maybe don't).

Reading this felt good enough that I clicked to “follow” you (and then remembered I don’t follow people for various reasons; my bad). Your anecdote really was uplifting; thanks mate for sharing this.

“A Mysterious Slime Has Come For Washington D.C.”

No worries! There’s a bunch of some of my favourite Baldwin vids on my kinja posts from years ago (and I think a vid from Akala too) - I think one just clicks on my name and scroll down.

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Sometimes as a reprieve from this Trump-Faragian timeline I just look at old Aamer Rahman and Kondabolu stand-up clips on youtube. Also James Baldwin interviews.