If you are looking for the “Bernie or Bust” type of supporter then you are not going to find it in me. Not voting for the lesser evil in the hope of some Zizek-style revolution has real consquences for minorities.
If you are looking for the “Bernie or Bust” type of supporter then you are not going to find it in me. Not voting for the lesser evil in the hope of some Zizek-style revolution has real consquences for minorities.
I’ll explain but let me something very clear in this post-Trump internet: I firmly “support laws or regulations to protect marginalized people from discrimination, like the Civil Rights Act”. In fact in my opinion as it stands neither the consitution nor the current legal framework goes far enough for oppressed…
XKCD! Damn I’ve complately forgot about Randall’s work (I think I remember something him bringing out a new book recently.) I really need to check it out again with its alt-titles. Thanks you for reminding me!
This reminded me of theories of social media contributing to teenage and youth suicide; mainly because I have just been catching up on Democracy Now.
I like comedians such as Aamer Rahman and Hari Kondabolu (check them out if you haven’t already). Transcript for the above vid for your FB if needed: https://lukijo.kinja.com/reverse-racism-1728204314
No argument from me. I’m pragmatically a social democrat but lean towards social libertarianism for lack of a better term.
““I’m not prejudiced, a white male in this country has very few rights and they’re getting took more every day,” Hurst said”
Below copied and pasted from here - https://theslot.jezebel.com/1839088040
Below copied and pasted from here - https://theslot.jezebel.com/1839088040
1) Current Affair’s Nathan J Robinson on Warren:
Below copied and pasted from here - https://theslot.jezebel.com/1839088040
Damn the Russia hysteria in American politics is hilarious and insane. Tulsi is a lot of things (hindu nationalist apologism for example) but the by any reasonable standard one would say Tulsi is a Russian “agent” then you would have to also say a number of establishment democrats are Saudi and Israeli “agents” (which…
Thank you for your kind words (this also goes for StoneColdSteveUrkel, Harry Black, Walkinginyourshoes and anyone else I have missed).
[I am not trying to convince you here; just to offer an alternative perspective if your question was not rhetorical. Thanks for your patience if you took the time to read this.]
I am a person of colour who grew up in schools with BNP and NF kids who liked to draw swastikas on my back with a compass. I used to not sleep on my back so my mother could not see the imprints on my bedsheet, and to this day I still sleep on my side.
I guess being able to be friends with a man who is responsible for the death of 180,000 Iraqi civilans in an illegal war based on falsified data, and would be convicted by the standards of the Nuremberg trials, is a privilege I would forgo.