
The judge denied his request to be sent to juvie.

Joe Paterno’s son is already denying he knew anything about this.

I was thinking C-3PO had really let himself go.


This is karma for Macy’s shutting down Marshall Fields in Chicago.

Where’s Jane Lynch? And Sean Hayes?

Awesome story. I’m hoping my daughters will embrace my love of motorcycles. So far, so good.

“I’ve never wasted a good egg.” -Philip Rivers

I had the privilege of watching a closed practice when Melo and Karl were with the Nuggets. Melo sat in a chair in the corner, his head hung staring at the floor, with his pockets inside out? headphones on listening to music and tape over all the Nuggets logos on his practice gear while the rest of the team practiced

But they’re never gonna survive unless they get a little crazy.

He looks like a turtle lustfully eyeing a tasty leaf.

As soon as the Knicks get 2 of the best players in the game Phil will look like a genius in no time.

According to who? Where is your proof that people who didn’t already have something very wrong with them engaged in a fantasy so many times they just had to up the ante by actually doing it?

Anti-alliteration bias.

Counterpoint: Jan 20, 2017

Meriweather: Mr. Belichick, the bartender was hoping he could get paid now.

The Arizona legislature has come to regret hiring Dan Cortese to draft the state’s criminal code in the late ‘90s.