
God I’m gonna miss Barry O

“Like I would ever. Psht.” - Donald Trump, pitching a tent

or he was impersonating leonard floyd. sigh.

Even squirrels are lawless in Obama’s Chicago.

Here in Chicago, we’ve had two mild winters in a row, so the usual winter die-off hasn’t occurred.

Ben Carson went to Yale and he thinks the pyramids were built for grain storage.

Yes. Side view mirrors would be a good addition given the number of posters who don’t seem to have them on their vehicle.

Man, people sure have a strange way of expressing their economic insecurity.

Rodgers is a transcendent quarterback who is forgetting about his family 50 years ahead of his peers.

I think what you meant to say was “You can’t spell Foglietta without Fogle”

No surprise here, we’re not talking about Charles Stayer

Are you surprised he has the ball to do it?

BIDEN: Tell him on Tuesdays he has to spring for tacos for the former president. Say it’s tradition.


He can mock all he wants. He won both of his contest.

Secretary of Defense belongs to Tom Thibodeau...

The old sex boys of the slippery surface are at it again. Here they come, oiled chests caked with flour and whole grains, stumbling across the frozen ice toward the scoring area where the goal knight trembles within his painted armor. All the while the fans in attendance, women and men alike, are jackhammering their

I took it seriously.

I mentioned this not too long ago, but it's worth repeating: My mother is one of seven children. She (the second eldest) and the two youngest are diagnosed sociopaths. She also has a diagnosis of NPD. The three middle children all grew up to be drug users and in abusive relationships. The eldest is dead, but I know