The Intern

Would have liked to see a vocals mechanic somewhere between the two, not using a microphone, but with a hold-and-drag method to follow a line in a similar way to the arrow on the console games rather than just tapping up or down. The way it is now just seems like a cop-out.

@Giroro G66: You can also get a video game, which is the only viable thing to compare another video game to. You're on Kotaku, get off the high horse about "constructive" hobbies. #djhero

@SacGamer: Funny, I think I'd rather punch someone in the face than listen to their uncreative hyperbole to attempt to express their pointless vitriolic hatred. Seems like a match from heaven. #djhero

Can't wait for the audio portion of Deleted Scenes this week. #melissalima

From the moon, there are three things on Earth you can see: The Great Wall of China, the Houston Astrodome and Mike's teeth. Peggy [Shanahan's wife] says if the room is dark and you're snoring with your mouth open, she can read.

@bkchurch: Read mine, I said "if" that's all you would've had to say. Just responding to your hypothetical non-statement.

@bkchurch: Chiefly, if all you have to say is that it's "absolutely ridiculous", that isn't actually "constructive criticism".

@njdevil: The usefulness of posts like this isn't to answer "How?", it's to give people ideas they may not have had otherwise. I personally wouldn't have thought to reach into my wallet and decimate a card if ever I needed a stand, now that I see how well it can work, maybe I will if I get desperate for one on the

Missed a reply link, ignore.

@braincadet: The same way you justify taking the time to insult them on a blog. We all do things we could probably be ashamed of. Really, the only difference is, yours is much more public.

Surprised the blogs haven't picked up on the patch that hit the 360 today. Apparently it adds some relatively rudimentary star-tracking, and it's not reading old scores... It's tough to piece together from the forum posts, but I don't hear a lot of happiness about it.

Gotta say, AJ, not that I don't love the weekly roast, but we've seemed to veer off course with this whole column.

Don't forget to get the name if the book write ok. Thx man

So, wait, is Salisbury saying he's Sharpie Cheerleader's Army boyfriend?

I can safely now picture the NESN staff meetings as Teen Girl Squad episodes.

Kellerman was about 4 seconds from finally meeting the disembodied voice.

voice your support for your favorite team through a series of "yells" and "cheers."

@WhiteMage: Cars are already in, pets and/or seasons could very well be a part of this.

@WhiteMage: A whole press release based on tomb traps.*