The Intern

'Barry' chants echo at AT&T Park for Bonds and Zito

@savedbypurplejesus: Was actually going for the Abbott & Costello reference, but the senility angle works too.

In Tampa? "Who", "What" and "I Don't Know" jerseys might play better in that venue.


@PenskeMaterial: Middle guy's also the dude who wore the Brian Dawkins Eagles jersey to the Sox/Yanks game.


Apparently in honor of Charles Barkey, the Auburn version has one extra hole.

Yes, two Falconer references in one day! I win $5!

The Macadangdang sister Slide would have been nominated, but, well...

God, whatever you do, Indianapolis, do not incorporate Fort Wayne into a monstrosity like this.

@Knight_Of_The_Burning_River: I'm not sure if I'm angry or grateful for you giving me the permanent mental connection of Rome = Satan. +1

I'm stunned. Why hasn't 'Schwärze' worked its way into the rap vernacular yet?

And bunnies weren't the only things taken out by the marauding hordes of gun-wielding Kiwis. Nope, the total tally included "hares, stoats, ferrets, goats, possums, turkeys and the odd feral cat."

All this time, I thought he got his sprinting ability from kissing Sanka's egg.

@wonderlic—-myballs: Everyone wants in on The Royal We ever since Silversun Pickups made a song about them.

James, Mo Williams and Delonte West boogied together during a timeout as Rick Astley's "Never Gonna Give You Up" pumped through the arena.

@Hit Bull Win Steak: She's still the youngest chick to be seen on TV Land since Rudy Huxtable.