The Intern

@Colonel Dubby: It's about as much effort as I plan on putting toward watching games this year. Sorry for not being not unfunny, but I'm with the Babes up there.


@HitandRunMarshawnRun: This is where I am. Can't fault the team who somehow has billions of dollars to blow for using what they are handed, and it still doesn't guarantee anything. As a homegrown Sox fan, I look at this like, well, if they lose, it will be that much funnier for HanknHal, and if they win, thanks for

Is this going to be one of those ridiculous ceremonies where he lines up 5 hats in front of him and puts on the one he signs with?

@Clare: House thinks it's Lupus.

Was it replaced with a football?

Better game: Real Gilbert Arenas vs. Inflatable Ben Wallace, or Real Ben Wallace vs. Wax Gilbert Arenas?

@shea_guevara: It's been slim pickins' this year, I tell ya.

"So the Spin-O-Rama is league-approved, but Stern won't put in a rule for my 'Chocolate Thunder Flying, Glass Flying, Robinzine Crying, Babies Crying, Glass Still Flying, Catch Crap, Rump Roasting, Bun Toasting, Thank You, Wham, Bam, I Am Jam'? Bullshit, man."

And maybe, you know, sometimes he'll throw in a little montage of Gina Carano clips. You know, for inspiration.

Call me crazy, Cuban seems like more of a MMF guy.

Say what you want, this is the most interesting thing to happen in western Massachusetts since Dr. Seuss defamed Mulberry St.

If the Cardinals don't get Fuentes, they could go for pitchers Kenshin Kawakami or Will Ohman.

"And really, if you think about it, my teams are 27-22 combined. That ain't so bad, right?"

No bitch. Ass!

Hey, this is Steve, and this here is Cotton Balls.

Hahaha... "Mukluk."