The Intern

I know it's OJ, but you never like to see anyone beaten to a pulp.

Adam Morrison calls bullshit.

@muggsybogues: Odds of Phelps being upstaged by a Lil Wayne sketch being the highlight of the show (also known as Pulling a LeBron): 4-1

@Johninho: Come on, who wouldn't do Andy Samberg?

@Stev D: Same, but with MythBusters. And in with no relation to science, I just like having a hot redhead tell me what to believe.

@DreadPirateRobots: There's scant few Braves left from the impeccable Harry Caray stylings of Will Ohman only a month ago. Tex... Tesh... Teh... Mark is no longer batting 3rd. Now KOTsay? It's depressing.

The IOC is considering something similar, only with shapes and colors.

@Thundercracker: "Also, there's a women's league, Bill Lambeer is a coach, and he WASN'T the first to hit a player."

It's a Midwest Swaaaaaang

Plus, the kid cut in front of him at Walgreens.

@Artie Fufkin: You really must specify your McGinleys next time. I just got a visual of Dr. Cox doing the mamba and it was brilliant.

@The Ellsbury Contact Intern: Although that era also included a Warrick Dunn Bucs jersey, so I was just a disaster all over the place.

Basketball jerseys are dozens of times more unforgivable and irredeemable than football jerseys. At least with a football jersey, you tell the world, "I might be white trash, but at least I like an actual sport." Basketball jerseys tell the world, "I hate my parents for my lack of pigmentation and fast-twitch

The "unforeseen circumstances"? Tickets to The House Bunny.

Two posts in a row neglecting to mention any teens of questionable legality. You guys are losing it.

@FirstDerivative: He's just trying to break into the Asian market any way he can. Olympics, Godzilla soundtracks, it's six of one.

Well, it sounds better than "the only inch of my love".

@Joke_Killa: It's more of a Shane Carruth from Primer, really.