The Honey Badger

Jrust in crase you were runderring.


I read this as:

Yea! I agree with everyone here! The French Press is an awesome way to make coffee I think that.............

I'm pretty sure thats a Bugatti....dude...

$30 to have a bottle opener and a possible cavity search if caught? I think not.

I put a set of EBC Greed Stuff pads which are like street race pads.

Have it done professionally. My install cost $150 and was well worth it because I didn't have a lift.

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

This is how we Googled it!

Sharks are blind...they see through sonar and sleep downside up.

Yea Americaland!

I would take a pill a day for the rest of my life instead of the chemo bullshit I am going through now. This shit wrecks your brain, body and life! Good thing I only have 2 more treatments left. I cant wait to be normal again.

I found the camera mount.....

Imma get my swipe on!

Now playing

All I know about Romania is what I watch on Top Gear.....

I used to have white sunglasses and a douchebeard, but then I took an arrow to the knee...