The Honey Badger
Now playing

You can see the setup better in this vid....

I have seen the new viper with my own 4 eyes, it is a sexy beast.....

This is my Edmunds face....

never gets old....

Did anyone read "toys" and think naughty thoughts?

That dealership aint got nothing on this!


Can't we do 10 behinds that look better from cars?


Any box will do actually...

Dudes really got to finish one project before he gets on the next one.....


damn kids with your loud music and your digital shirts......GET OFF MY LAWN!

But what will all the pedos drive now??

Well.....that answers my question.

Jess, jess berry nice....but will it fit on my sombrrrreeeerro?

You guys are all full of shit, talking trash about Ken Block.

Ya' know I watched that Bike build off last night with JJ, Jr and Sr (because there was nothing else on)? The lesson I learned is that Jesse is such a douche. This post confirmed it for me.