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Make sure you bring your gun when you have to poo, you know, because bears and stuff.

Rain-X is better than wipers. You're welcome.

*pours one out for the Dodge Dakota*

"But right now, it would cost $50,000 – half of what people would pay..."

no... GM is the greatest let down in automotive hisfory

It was grounded to the ground.

I want to drive that to work just one day, so I can see the looks of shock and horror on Prius drivers as I roar past them.

More appropriate questions to ask Sally Ride:

It's also significant because most state's have agreed to take a multistate action, The New York Times reports. That makes sense as much of Arizona has historically refused to follow the rest of the United States in recognizing daylight savings time, MLK, Jr Day, or basic human rights.

Maybe it's due to the MOTHERFUCKING TERMINATOR driving it.