
I found the cause:

Get out of the banks and into the brokerage accounts or money markets.  Much better returns.  Yes, there is more risk, but over the long term you should be able to do 8% or better.

Unless your interest rate is much lower than your investment returns.

Ford is building the “same old thing”.

or, they want you to think that...

Anyone else a little weirded out by Geely?

Oh Snap - Thanos

If true, this gives me some hope for the Ford Bronco.

The other fun one was based on a TV commercial that aired about the same time and our version was similar to the scene in Wayne’s World:

What?  No dong drawings?  How did he manage that?

Those things on that track would make a great racing series....

Just a bit over 20 hours currently each way. The Voyager transmitter is about 22 watts currently. Incoming signals are about -258db, or 1000 trillion times as weak as your cell phone signal can drop and can still stay connected. Helping things are that the 8ghz band does not have many natural signals, so background

My core is starting to run down too.

It isn’t as fragile. The electronics on those probes are some of the most hearty man can make. Lets not forget that they were built at a time where surviving nukes was built into most things military. Much of our electronics today are far less rugged. Instead of building for speed, the hardware was built for

I guess it is all a perception.

Both vehicles are in motion, as in driving along in two lanes. I was tempted to put in highway, but most of the time we did this was on secondary roads at 40-50mph so it was easier to call across to the other vehicle.  It loses something when you have to repeat yourself because the person in the other car says “WHAT?”

This guy was always in hot Pursuit.

Sorry, can only give star, not $2

How cute....