
There was a football game where you could beat on players after the play. No penalty and there was a stat at the end of the game for number of late hits. We used to beat the hell out of each other when playing it and it was the late hit total that determined the winner, not the score.

Mostly Crap?

What does that have to do with background checks?

And your “argument” is to drop ‘F’-bombs and insults. How very typical of the anti-gun debate.

Yea, they propose this all the time. The problem is that we use a vast amount of fertilizer in this country and it does not take that much to create a sizable bomb. And how do you tell a good guy from a bad guy? One reason I always throw out using the NICS to prohibit all kinds of other activities is to make people

>> Then why have they fault every single bill that’s come to the floor?

So, you are OK with a Prohibited Person who can not legally buy a gun showing up at a U-haul and renting their largest truck. Then, heading over to Agway and loading up with Potassium Nitrate. All we need to do now is add some good ol’ Diesel.

You seem to have a very poor concept of what a right is.

No, the answer is YES. Must be YES.

Nice buzz word. The devil is of course in the details.

That’s a riot.

You seem to be missing the fact that the PERSON has to be involved. By itself, a gun is no hazard.

Can you regear a Subaru? When all we had in our CJ Jeeps was a 4-banger, we’d swap out the 3.x ratio gears and put in 4.11 or even 4.56 ratio gear sets. Fixed a lot of the power and speedo issues.

What about Runts? Banana first or last?

It’s not the flight that kills you, it’s the landing. He obviously did pretty well as any landing you can walk away from is a success.

More people in this country are murdered by blunt objects than guns.

Your argument about the frequency of using a gun for defense also applied to a fire extinguisher. Yet, we hang those things everywhere in our society. The point is that when you do need it, you really NEED it.
