Well, if a fancy car is modern man’s expression of penis size, then why are you so shocked that people want to get extreme extension on their terms?
1) Ha ha ha ha
You missed Podunk. You know, where the local government sticks a 25mph sign on that highway like road, plant a tree in a strategic location to hide it, and then nail every car that isn’t a local.
Nah, she just needs to be sentenced to parading around naked. At least that way she does some good.
Unimog for the win!
Really? So, you would prefer to pay 40-50% in taxes, and then pay medical fees on top of that? Oh, and don’t be shocked when you find that many of the more expensive procedures are not covered at all. And perhaps you should go ask some Canadians how long they had to wait for certain procedures.
Well, maybe if your student wasn’t mostly blind, had senses dulled to the point of useless, and was being supervised by someone that wasn’t paying attention, it might actually learn to drive.
Well, you do if you subscribe to the way most of the gun ban crowd operates. They know they won’t win, but winning wasn’t the goal. Their goal was to bankrupt the manufacturers or get them to agree to something nefarious. This is why Congress had to step in and pass a law to prohibit such frivolous suits. Nothing…
That argument has never stopped some large number of cases where the lawyers found a sympathetic jury of idiots.
Thinking about those electrons sliding into position made me think of the old song “Electric Slide”.
Something tells me they are not actually losing money. It may not be profit, but fountain soda is dirt cheap (pennies) and if they use products that Costco makes, their costs have to be under a dollar. I’ll bet if you actually knew the numbers, there is still a tiny profit - perhaps not as much as the retail space…
All this proves is that the media and the other agents of the left are succeeding in their marketing of socialism to the public.
Those restraining orders work so well.