
More evidence that Tort reform is needed.

One more thing: I hate Dilly Dilly, but if somebody manages to yell “To the pit of misery” as they’re being carted off, I’ll probably come around and offer a golf clap.

Not really. Honda motorcycle specifically did not import the NC750 family of engines and sticks with the NC700 here in the USA. The rest of the world (including Canada) get the NC750. The only difference in the design is a larger bore diameter of 4mm and higher gearing. The result is an engine that makes a little more

Many times in the same family.

Ah yes. Lets keep including the suicides. Because you can’t have your scary numbers if you don’t.

Yep. And it is these same very people who have no problem trusting the person coming the other way aiming a 4 ton SUV within inches of them at closing speeds of over 100 mph. The hypocrisy is amazing.

Auto deaths FAR exceed firearms deaths, but the two products are treated vastly different. Strangely, the one that is a civil right is far more highly controlled. By comparing the two, it is obvious that the people calling for the laws are not about safety or they would have the same strict requirements on the more

Well, when you have drugs that warn of “suicidal tendencies”, and “depression”, you have to wonder what those chemicals are really doing.

Chart? The chat in the Snopes? The one that shows a practically flat line from before 1997 on for homicide? The one that only shows a decline in Robbery some 5 years after the ban? So, I guess I can just show a chart with a suddenly dropping line and claim anything I want?

Such a lovely place to live....

Snopes is so left leaning, it’s nuts. The fact is there are more guns in Australia today than before the ban went into effect. Very little has changed. If you actually read the hatchet job beyond the big “False” mark, you’ll see that there was already a decline and that trend continued.

It wasn’t that long ago that kids carried their rifles for Rifle Team on the NY subway going to school.

Well, maybe we need to ban those Assault Vehicles.

Common old time off-road solution to when you slip a tire bead. Done it a few times. Very effective.

Why has nearly every mass shooter in the past 20 years been on some kind of powerful psychiatric medication? Why hasn’t this been looked into? Oh yea, because the drug companies spend millions in lobby money and billions in media advertising. You want to learn the truth? Follow the money. Every major drug company is

Well, it obviously has a very strong psychological power over you.

Why should I allow you to aim a 3 ton guided missile every day? Oh sure, you are a “responsible” driver now, but what if you suddenly become irresponsible?

You seem to be under the delusion that laws actually prevent crime.