
Its worse than that. The DOT specifies some old standards and the manufacturer says they comply. Only a very few helmets are actually tested each year for compliance.

Same here. Although I’ve never been stopped. I’ve had people ask about my helmets, but never inquired about DOT, they just had never seen a flip-up.

The data on fatal motorcycle accidents read very tellingly. #1 cause? Alcohol. #2 Cornering error - i.e. they lost control in a corner which is almost always associated with #3 excessive speed. Remove those 3 items from the fatality list and you reduce fatal motorcycle crashes by 80%. Of the remaining 20%, the biggest

WRONG. Helmet laws are not worth the paper they are written on.

I buy my helmets direct from Europe with ECE ratings, not DOT. Yes, that means I’m riding illegally, but it’s my head and I’m putting the best I can on it. To avoid any issues, I buy a little DOT sticker and put that on the back.

Cars and Coffee would never be the same again.


I say she’s got a good case.

Having gone through 2 kids with cloth diapers (not a ‘service’, we owned and washed the diapers) I can attest that when used properly, a reusable product can work just fine. However, just like we occasionally switched to disposable for travel, there are times where something flushable is probably a good idea.

It actually started Thursday morning....

Better watch out for the officials too....

You use RED Blinker Fluid?

Ah. The timeout kid.... Sadly, my Aunt had those all over her house. She would talk to them, buy outfits for them. Change the hats to fit her mood.

Are those like the 3 seashells?

No, the problem with the photo is that there are 2 starters there. What ever happened to getting your own starter rebuilt?

No, wait. I forgot the current crop of kids....

They will find those vans. They will have “Free Candy” written on the side.

*Cancels order with*

Why anyone would do a large chain pizza is beyond me. The little local mom and pop is almost always the far better food. Little more expensive, but almost always worth it.

And here I was thinking they didn’t want you reading Shakespeare.