
It is NOT proof. It is, as you say, correlation. However, I find it appalling that when such a relationship exists, people are just ignoring it.

Except there are already more gun laws than tax laws. Virtually none of them are enforced. How many times do these things happen and we hear that someone KNEW the person was planning it?

Um, you all know that if you want shaved steak, you can order the real thing right at the meat counter and get whatever cut you want of whatever quality you want with no preservatives and other crap in it.

I’ve always left any trail or campsite “cleaner than I found it”.

Can’t tell you how handy it is to just say “Alexa, turn off the TV” when the boys don’t comply. (^_^)

And these are the mental giants that our kids are using as role models.

And now with DOUBLE THE SUGAR of the hourglass!

That’s less than the annual budget for my little town of 4300 people.

Soros and Bloomburg already do that and it’s more then 10x. The truth is far darker.

Actually, if you add up just the contributions from George Soros and Michael Bloomburg via their various pet organizations, their anti-gun contributions are nearly 10 times the spending of the NRA. And that is just TWO people.

You are really going to be pissed when you look at the top 50 donors and realize that every major drug manufacture is represented there. The NRA? They are down at number 488.


Before you go down this route, be sure you know your facts.

Just be glad he never saw what a shotgun can do at the ranges these mass shootings tend to happen. Instead of a tiny bullet less than 1/4" at every trigger pull, he could have been sending a cloud of devastation 30" in diameter. If the AR rifle is banned and somehow magically made to vanish, you can be sure that the

Except the “ban” didn’t really ban anything. The idiots that wrote the law named specific guns and pointed out features. So, the companies renamed the guns, removed some features, and sales increased.

Imagine if the killer didn’t take his cue from the media and use an AR. Imagine if they actually knew something about guns. Imagine if they came in with a simple Remington 850 pump shotgun and a shoulder bag of shells.

Biggest? The latest list shows the NRA at #488. If you really want to follow the money, check out the drug companies who all come in MUCH higher (most in the top 50)

You gotta love how the media and the lemmings who drink their cool aid are all focused on the NRA. You know, the #488 highest contributor to political interests.

Competitors do it all the time. You can have hundreds or thousands of people any given weekend passing through major airports with firearms for all the various matches that are held all over the country.

Hmm. Those old VW owners obviously never did any of their own work on the car. Otherwise they would be looking under the hood and at the taillights trying to determine how much you had to do this time to simply change a bulb, air filter, or if they would get a hernia just pulling the battery.