
So.. It will catch fire?

After growing up in the real PC era (as in the IBM PC) where we took soldering irons to our $3000 computers to upgrade them, today’s builds no longer cause me any stress.

Well, it’s better than playing with my gun. Can’t tell you the number of ADs that occur on the toilet. How bad is it? There are parts of training classes devoted to managing the gun in a toilet.

Farmers? (^_^)

Boeing is a public company that gets tax breaks. Airbus was actually created by an agreement between several European Governments. Not sure of it’s legal structure today, but it would not have existed if those governments had not made it happen.

You know why it is so unlikely that a team play a Super Bowl in it’s home stadium?

I think you misinterpreted the F1 desire.

Sure helps that Airbus is a quazi-government company then.

Yes, but where else can you get 12 Tagalong (or whatever they are called now, the peanut butter filled ones) for $5

Orange ya glad he didn’t crash?

Ah geeze, Ford went and blew it.

Really confuse people and put Bugatti emblems on it. (^_^)

They must have really hated Cutthroat Island. (^_^)

I poo poo ‘ed it until I tried it.

Were they clapping for the car or the fact that they would not have to stand around much longer?


Does it still dump water down the back of your rear seat passengers when you open the hatch in the rain?

Why did your personal assistant fail to inform you about traffic conditions?

Listen to the fish...

Off-Roading does not mean flying low.