
Wow. You would think the driver would be super careful about bumps he would normally ignore if he knew that he had less suspension travel. Seems like a real brain fart incident.

At least get a rear exhaust. Unless you like burns on your calves.


What color is the car? If it’s beige, white, or silver or some similar easy blend color and the scratch does not go down to metal, you can use a 3M micropolish compound to smooth the area and then hit it with a color matched polymer polish to hide it. You’ll need to polish a couple times a year to keep it hidden, but

Sorry, this is awesome condition for this truck. Nice Price all day long.

Yea, but do you know what you have?

Let me guess.

Of course I had to star you. Not just because of the comment (which is great), but because you don’t want the stars. (^_^)

Or, just make your own syrup. Can’t wait for March - Tree tapping time!

Bet they have a banjo though.

Why is it that I look at that shot above and expect to see a video of the GEM doing donuts?

When the steel girder in front of the bridge is hit, a water curtain should start with the message “WINNER. You are a complete Dumbass!”

How about we actually require people we let drive have some kind of intelligence instead of requiring society to be their fucking mother for their whole lives?

I wonder....

The water isn’t used to distill, but rather to cut the final product. There is a distillery in San Francisco that collects the famous fog to cut their vodka.

Why is it that given the much longer Tweet length now, people still can’t make the effort to spell words properly?

Ever build a fire on ice? It doesn’t melt nearly as much as you would think.

Most coastal areas are no longer insured by private companies now. It is a federal program. And yes, they do have some policy in not rebuilding places that are likely to be damaged again, but it isn’t nearly as aggressive as the threat would dictate.

Wait a few years. Then, you’ll just have more floor space where you will step on LEGO. Oh, and watch out for the patented “Parent Killers”

That machine is currently hanging in the Pat’s Hall of Fame. Bet The Hoodie has a key....