
So many armchair lawyers ungreyed who think they know the law better than you know... the ACTUAL lawyers.  

A political nuisance?  You want to kick people out of school for their political views?  Hmmm.  Can’t imagine how that precedent could POSSIBLY be used against people?!?

Yes, let’s set a precedent for banning anyone alleged to have possibly committed a crime from attending college. Fantastic idea. I wonder how that’s gonna work out?

If only men could base their entire ‘careers’ on who they opened their whore legs to, eh?  Feminism 101

I mean, with Trump it was indicative of problems.  This is obviously just fine because you know. Black woman.  Black women are incapable of wrongdoing.

I wish I too could use my identity as a protective shield from any and all responsibility.

Kotaku is paid by companies to cover their games specifically.  

Nothing to see here... Moving on...

You seem like a cunt.

Wait, Rittenhouse is in BLM/Antifa?

I mean if the developer is willing to publicly lie about something so absolutely obvious it kind of makes me less excited about the release. 

Just a friendly reminder that if you buy both you are paying twice for the same game, minus a toggled switch of course.  Honestly surprised more games don’t try and pull this bullshit stunt.  

Logic isn’t really The Root’s strong suit is it?  This orange tastes like an orange!  Therefore this apple must taste like an orange too!  Strong argument you guys make here.  Let her go!  We don’t really need a trial do we?  

Perhaps I overestimated slightly, but I did play to about level 20 and never really engaged with the story. The first dungeon had me murdering the descendants of slaves which frankly I found rather off-putting. Gameplay at that point seemed pretty standard MMO fare.

Yeah. For all the talk about how this game is the second coming of MMO Jesus, even the most ardent fans admit that you need to play through 100+ hours of content, “Before you get to the good stuff”.

Since obviously nothing will be done about this we should all just send death threats to Boebert, right?

I mean at least she didn’t say that transwomen aren’t biologically female! That reminds me, if we are all supposed to collectively pretend that transwomen are women why do different words exist for them in the first place? Also, just so we are clear, do we have to support all mental health delusions or just those

Friendly reminder, your Queen does not actually stand with Women of Color. 

I’m honestly surprised there are enough people left playing to make botting even worth the effort.