Who is telling anybody what they can and can’t do? Not me. I gave an opinion that apparently hurts you so deeply that you feel the need to tell me I’m not allowed to express it? I don’t think you understand how respectful dialogue is supposed to go.
It’s a fucking battle pass mate. Nobody is concern trolling. Any other trending terms you want to throw at me that you don’t understand? $10 for dozens of cosmetics in a free game I will play for possibly hundreds of hours is the exact opposite of egregious. And I always love people crying about the grind in games.…
Why do Black people hate Asians so much? Does protecting them harm you? What happened to intersectionality?
Am I worked up? No. I just respectfully disagree with kobalt about the monetization of a free multiplayer experience. Is paying $10 for possibly hundreds of hours of content really that egregious? Seriously?
The way I look at it, I paid $10 for a game that I will likely put 20-30 hours in, possibly much more. That’s a steal in my opinion. People complaining about it seem awfully entitled in my eyes.
And how many will play the multiplayer they need to pay server fees on and not spend a dime on Gamepass or the campaign? They didn’t make multiplayer as a charity gift. It’s ridiculous to think that they should just throw in a free product because they can recoup SOME of that money on a single player campaign that does…
Dear Kotaku,
I mean by that thinking we shouldn’t be allowed to complain about anything right? Oh, Black people keep getting murdered by police? Shut up already, that’s just the way it is...
On a fundamental level, they charge you for content they then remove so they can charge you for new different content because their game is built on a shitty foundation. No other live service game to my knowledge has the balls to pull such an unfriendly consumer stunt. Defend it all you want, but don’t pretend those…
Yes. Say what you will about Outriders (it’s janky sometimes) but you have to admire the fact that they charge you a price for a full product. No microtransactions. No season pass or battle pass. And they’ve continued to update it, for free, based on player feedback. I’d much rather support that type of game than…
Customers should not be forced to suffer for a company not building a strong foundation for their product.
This same criticism could be made of literally any and all live service games though, no?
They charge you for content that they then remove from the game. That’s a deal breaker for me, full stop. Charge for expansion. Remove previously paid for content. Charge for Season. Force you to open the microtransaction store in the process of playing the game every chance they get.
This isn’t a fucking charity, brother. How exactly do you expect them to make money on the game you are playing absolutely free?
The Witch is destined to go down in horror history as a bona fide classic. Look forward to checking out the podcast, thanks, as long as it doesn’t turn into yet another tired, “Needs more POC in it” sermon...
Am I the only one who thinks that bitching about a completely optional $10 battle pass for a 100% free game mode is maybe just a little bit entitled? FFS.
You all will post a retraction of these allegations once the video of her acting a damn fool eventually drops right? Black women seem to be having a whole lot of problems at airports lately...
Yes, but the library is still cohesive. I can go to one source and look at all the games I have available to play and choose from that single list of games rather than opening Epic, Steam, Origin, etc. etc.
Wow, it’s almost like different hardware handles the software differently!?!? HOLY SHEEEIT