Neckbeards... Transphobia... Racism... Yeah, you’ve never played the game. You read a Tweet and decided to virtue signal for stars.
Neckbeards... Transphobia... Racism... Yeah, you’ve never played the game. You read a Tweet and decided to virtue signal for stars.
Stop Enjoying Things!
Did you all know that more people play Farming Simulator than Pokemon?!?!
Why not just call it the blackest movies? A lot of these are painfully average films.
One thing is abundantly clear from reading this list. Representation now matters more than storytelling. Hey, Cowboy bebop had a black dude in it! Maybe add that as an honorable mention?
Kinja would’ve had to have been fixed at some point for it to be broken again.
Because people like to keep their gaming libraries in one place?
Farming Simulator in their minds equals Republican Red Neck Video Game so belittling it is perfectly acceptable. Check you gaming privilege son!
Yes, you’d think for a video game blog dedicated to progressive ideology, a website with a definitive political bent, one that celebrates diversity, that knocking Farming Simulator just because it’s, “For rednecks” or whatever the joke here is supposed to be, wouldn’t have made it past the editors? Oh who am I…
Actions have consequences. And the consequences of this fabricated fiasco should tell all you Twitter activists all you need to know. You’re unironically snowflakes.
I took the tone of the article differently. Just have a hard time reconciling the idea that women who objectify themselves for profit are celebrated for it and deserving of the highest praise but men wanting to look at women is toxic masculinity even though doing so is fundamentally tied to the primordial urge to…
Example #3945 of how it’s impossible for White people to be allies. Dude gives $100 million dollars and you still ridicule him for it. I find it endlessly amusing that for a group of people who claim to be diametrically opposed to judging people based on biased generalizations The Root readers and writers do almost…
You don’t get to objectify yourself for fame and fortune and then bitch about objectification. Nobody forced you. Whatever happened to personal responsibility?
People are so godamned entitled. Jesus Christ.
Why is profiling white people okay but profiling black people isn’t?
By the same exact reasoning, you assume he is guilty. You can’t know what was in his head and yet you believe you do. How are you any better?
One thing I don’t ever see mentioned in the “Why the fuck is a person from outside coming to our city” argument is the fact that many of the BLM protesters are from out of state. Antifa is largely made up of people from out of state looking for violence. You know. Your buddies. Not to mention the numerous times…
Um, tittys?
If the article had actually given a more accurate accounting of the incident perhaps they wouldn’t need to comment on how it isn’t? Bad journalism that favors a narrative over facts isn’t worthy of respect.
I heard you threaten a violent terrorist action, promising to kill as many White people as possible. Given the facts of this case we’re going to have to arrest and prosecute you.