
hear me out. Individual people please boycott. Please try and get as many people as possible to boycott. Let’s give it 6 months and see how well that goes okay? Let’s see who is actually looking at the situation realistically then ok?

O.J Simpson walked free after murdering 2 innocent people in cold blood.  If individual cases = truth as you seem to suggest then your point is hereby invalid.

O.J Simpson.  Bill Cosby.


So individual cases are no longer being judged upon their individual merits but on a simple basis of the race of the perp. That is the premise of this article.  By this metric I suppose we could assume that all Black people get off for murder (OJ Simpson) and rape (Bill Cosby). Why is there such a racial disparity in

I don’t purchase their products either but I’m not so far up my own ass to expect anything to come of it.  That’s where we differ.  But hey, if it makes you feel good to think you’re part of some groundswell of mythical support you do you.  I don’t begrudge you the effort I sjust think it’s naive.

How does your self-righteous stance help the workers? It’s been demonstrated numerous times that individual boycotts have no real world impact. So your choice to boycott their products serves nobody but yourself.

Consistency?  The two cases are similar only in your need to politicize both.  The facts of either case don’t matter, you made up your mind based on race alone before the trials ever started.

Why even have trials?  You guys all seem to know what’s best for everyone.  

I sure wish I was a super-minority so I wouldn’t have to take accountability for anything either!!!

What social change are you enacting here exactly motherfucker?  Your holier than thou schtick is beyond tired.  Seriously.  Why ARE you here anyways?  

Youre right you win oh master of the internet. Let me give you a star.

Hey Noah, you better watch out. I hear keyboards are racist. Don’t hurt yourself spamming your clickbait bigotry too hard!

Exactly. And my opinion is that anyone boycotting Blizzard/Activision products is doing so to make themselves feel good, not out of any actual intent to help others.

You’re virtue signaling.  Got it.  Have a cookie.

I mean, it’s a fact that most of the fans do not care. CoD players aren’t going to boycott. WoW guildmates I’ve talked to aren’t boycotting.  Diablo sold well. 

You’re still crying about shit that happened 400 years ago.  GTFO

The article misrepresents the facts of the article they stole it from.  It is horrible journalism and yet more proof that The Root strives at all time for the narrative first and the facts second.

I mean, hey have at it!  Boycott away!  See how much good it does. 

ALso, you’re a racist cunt.  I hope you die.