
Oh, so keep your facts out of our little racist tirade.  That’s basically what you’re saying.  

Shhhhhh. Stop pointing out the reality.  It gets in the way of our narratives.

It’s almost like you get special treatment if you’re the King.

A boycott has a zero percent chance of being successful so in essence you’re telling people to do nothing.

A boycott will not work.  I mean, there is that to consider right?  Boycotting Activision/Blizzard is useless.  Anyone who had any interest in boycotting them has done so already, and still Diablo 2 Remake and CoD sold just fine.

CoD this year was one of the worst selling versions ever and is still one of the highest selling games of the year.  And honestly, talking to my former WoW guildmates, 95% of the fanbase could care less about the issues, certainly not enough to stop subscribing.

404 dead Black people from homicide in Philly alone as your top image. Last year there were 243 Black people killed by police in the entire country total, including justifiable shootings. And yet this article gets zero comments. The article about Rittenhouse the other day, about a boy who killed a couple white people,

Do you know why boxers and MMA fighters are grouped by weight class? In the world you seem to be hoping for those lines are erased completely. You know what happens then? Men are athletes and women are not. Transgender women are not.  Is that the kind of equality you really want?

The only thing that will change biological differences between sexes is evolution.  Sure, in 100 million years, women may be 9 feet tall with muscles that haven’t even been invented yet and men might be tiny wimps.  But the differences you’re implying were already in place before funding and society and culture and

That does not address the physiological differences between the sexes. Sure, athletes with more money and time and better trainers will perform better. So what? Athletes within the same systems don’t compete at equal levels. If you give 100 male athletes and 100 female athletes the exact same opportunities I guarantee

I wish I believed in karma.

No, but your asserion that athletes with money are automatically better is false.  I am not saying it is due to race. The physiological differences between men and women are fundamentally the same across every culture and society.  Culture and society aren’t going to create the genetics that make men more muscular

We have studied the biology of sex.  You seem to reject science wholeheartedly for someone who is so ready to call others ignorant.  I don’t care what societal and cultural differences will not change human beings’ physiology. Africans running barefoot have won medals.  Your principle idea is fundamentally flawed. 

Great, but you don’t get bonus points for following up with shit that never should’ve happened in the first place. The passionate developers of my youth are a dying breed. Blizzard, Rockstar, Bioware, any of the numerous indie developers who got swallowed up by the big fish, etc. etc.  Hell, even Devolver just

Xbox is winning this console generation hands down.


They have a miniscule effect that does nothing to explain the very obvious biological differences between the sexes.

But but but Michael Phelps has long arms so it proves it doesn’t matter!!!  (Or something like that)...

Your assurances that the differences haven’t been adequately studied are patently false. They have. There are fundamental physiological differences between men and women. You can make claims about sex being a spectrum all you want, the fact is 99% of those fall either to one side or the other. The number of intersex

This is absurd. There are fundamental biological differences between men and women... Given a level playing field men overall would absolutely crush women in any strenuous physical activity.  To deny this is to deny reality.