Nope. That’s equality!
Nope. That’s equality!
Sure. Open all sports up to all people and see where the chips lay. Bye Bye biological women!!!
I hope they do the one where Tootie, in typical sitcom ignorance, uses a bong to hold her jelly beans. Also I really want them to at least acknowledge that Blair and Joe were obviously a lesbian couple.
The real problem is that this seems to be a more pervasive problem than just weeding out a few bad apples. Of course, it starts from the very top but if Activision/Blizzard have shown anything in the fallout to this ongoing debacle it is that they are unwilling to own up to their failings and do what needs to be done…
Certainly not trying to make excuses for the man. He is a sadistic piece of shit and deserves to be brought to justice for what he did. I just wonder why America continues to support a racist sport that actively causes brain damage in it’s participants?
Yeah, I mean what other possible project could she be working on for Marvel?
It’s almost as if there is a link between repeatedly giving yourself concussions for a living and domestic violence.
Freedom? /S
Exactly. Thank you. Couldn’t have said it any better.
Cherry picking. I could post a dozen scenes from both generations as examples of my point. Tribbles. Really?
Can’t wait to give this a listen.
I can partially agree with that but by trying too hard to follow trends they wind up looking like every other genre show out there. Star Trek set itself apart. Always has. For me at least much of the problem is the need for every piece of media to cater to the widest possible demographic. Sometimes nerdy shit needs…
It’s free. Throw ‘em a bone my man!
I mean the alternative is having 12 year old’s scream about fucking my mother so...
You have to like it. The lead is a Black woman.
Creators are so caught up in subverting expectations today that they quite often forget what made the originals classic in the first place. Star Trek has always been fairly subdued. It’s a look at the brighter side of science fiction. The new Star Trek has characters who act like children, ruled by emotions,…
I don’t think the amount of grinding was as much a problem as creating tasks that reward playing strictly for them rather than for the objectives of any individual map/game mode.
It just goes to show, you can never make everyone happy. Grind is too much for some while others burn through it like wildfire. It’s the same principle at play forcing every new game to be open world and filled with mediocre objectives sprinkling the map rather than focus on creating an engaging story that…
More like Americans don’t for the most part want to watch subtitles and even if the plot is simple many still want to understand dialogue without distraction.
What appears on the screen is the message. The director isn’t on the screen. Dunst is and as an autonomous professional adult had complete control over her portrayal. She actively chose to be a part of this specific project. Like, I said, I’m all for being educated as to what that message is, but I also took semiotics…