
If there’s some kind of hidden meaning I’m not seeing I’d be very curious to know what it is? And I’m not usually one to jump on people for celebrating others’ cultures but this sure seems like she’s using Japan purely as a fashion accessory. She’s contrasting herself against a slew of Asian faces as background

Has anyone seen the fire extinguisher scene from Irreversible?  Yeah... ‘nuff said.

Now playing

Tell you what, let’s see her pull this little stunt off first and then we’ll talk. 

Is it still considered satire when a not insignificant percentage of the audience doesn’t realize it’s satire? I’m curious how many will see this as a way to point out the disparity between Black and White news coverage and for how many it will simply reinforce their bias?


I’m curious about something, please hear me out...

I’m certain that accounts for some of it. But in the next few years they have OW2 and multiple mobile games lined up. And while mobile games may be roundly rejected by traditional Blizzard PC fans, there is an obscene amount of money to be made in that market.

Agreed. I mean, how much more did Brie Larson make than Jude Law in Captain Marvel?  I am guessing it was a substantial amount.

Yes, but profits are somehow actually up this year compared to last.  As much as I hate to say it, the average Blizzard fan simply doesn’t care.

As a mediocre white man can I humbly ask what a pancaked ass is?

In least surprising news of the day...

Blizzard rep:

Now playing

You mean when she’s not being straight up racist?

I mean, to be fair, they did already receive $100,000.  lol

Trans people are wholesale shunned by society and have been since time immemorial. You think there’s a line to equality? Nah, we need to tear down the fences and run this fucker over with our combined strength.

Perpetual hype engine social media savant of the year?  Most definitely.  Musician of the year?  Meh...

The B word.  It’s socially acceptable days are numbered.

Your mom is terrible.

I thought it was tan?