
I mean, there is something to be said for the fact that Chloe Zhao went from making an Oscar winning indie film to making a substandard superhero flick, relying strictly on her aesthetic eye and not any of her other strengths for grounded storytelling.  

slow news day?

I wouldn’t mind covering her... sigh.

Look at the number of comments on an Amouranth article versus almost any other article on Kotaku.  They don’t need a reason for the article, they just need to post her cleavage on their front page.  Clickbait pure and simple. 

It would help but I can’t shake the nagging feelings that the issues are more than skin deep and would require too many fundamental coding changes to correct.  Hopefully I’m wrong.  I had fun.  I probably got my $40 worth.  But I’m done for the time being until things are more stable.

Yeah, well, I’m not arguing legally here, simply stating what everyone with an ounce of common sense understands.  He purposefully chose to put himself in a situation wherein violence was more than likely inevitable.

If you don’t want to be blackmailed maybe don’t do bad shit in the first place?  Them not releasing other emails doesn’t negate what was written in his.

If you don’t want to be blackmailed maybe don’t do bad shit in the first place?  Them not releasing other emails doesn’t negate what was written in his.

After Rockstar shit all over modders with the numerous takedowns, why would anyone want to work on something for the replacements?

It’s sad realizing we will probably never again get wildly creative original films out of Hollywood. Everything needs a built-in fanbase or it doesn’t get green lit. If things were like this back in the day we never would’ve gotten classics like Beetlejuice, or Gremlins, or Ghostbusters, or Brazil, or A Nightmare on

Hey, can we get a permaban on Jeff Bezos for breaking the irl economy?

In what world does crossing state lines with an illegally purchased firearm resulting in the shooting of three people NOT show clear intent?

In the very first sentence the article establishes that Marilyn Manson is in fact Brian Warner. Marilyn Manson is a fictional persona. Brian Warner allegedly committed these crimes. Therefore it is important to strip away the celebrity façade and reinforce the fact that it wasn’t an act.  It wasn’t part of a show. 

At some point, hopefully in the near future, these military games need to address the fact that essentially they’re profiting off of misery. They sell us the glory of war while ignoring it’s impact. They exploit both nationalism and rebellion in equal measure. Corpses don’t respawn. They don’t magically disappear

In my opinion there’s no point in playing the game with the numerous and continual exploits that have been plaguing it since launch. Economy is busted. Armor and weapons don’t work the way they’re supposed to. PvP is straight up broken, which is at this point the only real ‘endgame’ available outside boring gear

95% of anime could be criticized the exact same way.

Definitely seems to be a generational difference on this topic. For a Gen-X’er like me the expectation was always that your intellectual property should be yours. Metallica beat up Napster over it. Creative output should be protected from scammers looking to make a quick buck off the popularity of someone else’s hard

Or I could just continue watching porn for free? I don’t need a completely fake bought-and-paid-for relationship with a woman with a red antennae thingy sticking out of her ass to get my rock’s off.

I’d argue Battle Angel did a decent job.  Ruroni Kenshin was a good live action remake too though most likely an easier conversion based on it being rooted in reality to begin with.

It was inevitable. What appears cool and slick in animation typically comes across as laughably hokey when converted to reality. Cowboy Bebop was all about the style and that style is lost in the translation. It’s kind of like the difference between jailhouse rock era Elvis making the girl’s swoon with the shake of