
He had a contract. She settled.

What? No militant lesbian guerilla hit squad shadowing his every move?

There a difference between hating them, trash talking them to your friends and actively working to sabotage or undermine their career. Mia Farrow did none of those things.

I love the butt-hurt that continues after the collapse of the rag that was Gawker.

Awww... which former Gawker contributor is having a hard time letting go of pointless muck pieces.


Okay, to be fair, this is what happens when you have forced paid maternity leave without equal paid paternity leave. It DOESN’T make any sense to hire women - and even as a woman, if I had a small business in CA I probably wouldn’t hire any either.

I woder what a world where we only had paid paternity leave would look

Fuck this article. My dog loves hugging me. So there.


And that would be unconstitutional...

that’s really fuckin smug of you

Lots of folks want to be truck drivers. The pay is good. It's not as demanding as heavy labor. Your comment is elitist.

Why not? It pays well. Better than any of the jobs you mentioned and you work pretty independently. Don’t demean what you don’t understand.

Reminds me of this terminal lance comic

Maybe “Anaconda” wasn’t nominated because that song fucking sucks and is a travesty - hardly more than a glorified re-mix..

Liberals are looney and kill babies. Generalizations are fun!

Clearly, it can only be one or the other

Even heard the White-House saying well Assad is sorta shia, so christians and other minorities can go to assad.

Syrians bring creativity, work ethic, and respect for education and civic excellence wherever they go. Any country is richer for welcoming them.