
It’s cute how you think these payments should have any bearing on each other.

That’s right brother! Whatcha gonna do when Hulkamania destroys you?

Most womenz can’t math good so the menz will gets away with it.

Not sure how you can compare the 2 payments. Also, is women’s comp down to 75% now. What happened to 78%? It’s almost like you’re just making up numbers.

Knee jerk reactions! Viva la France!



Did some big numbers and formulas scare you??? Were you triggered???

They have better things to do.

Any fraternity (don’t call a fraternity a frat) would be lucky to have him. He’d help the GPA and could be a sober brother every weekend.

Who’s headlining your party this weekend?

Since no contraceptive method stood out could an improved pull out game be partially responsible. Perhaps an increase in anal? Were these things considered?

I can get on board with more contraceptives and fewer abortions.

So easy to get porn these days. You used to have to work for it. Teens these days will never know the struggle.

Stop initiating sexual activity, male people? What if a man really wants someone. Does he sit around patiently hoping the person he likes notices him? It’s not hard to initiate sexual activity without being a creep. This Weiner failed.

The mongoose works in mysterious ways.

Where’s Dr. Drew when you need him?

Hilldog looks constipated.

Her other meetings are not relevant because they were part of the Secretary of State’s normal course of business. The 154 are with private citizens and foreign individuals. Not part of the normal course of business.

Pretty sure they were talking about intellectual safe spaces. If you want to feel physically safe take a self defense class.