Too Grey to Function

I realize trump is a different type of beast, 2008 democrats had the oval and both houses. And we got the tea party movement out of it. And an ass-whooping in 2010. Shit ebbs. Shit flows. Tea partiers tried to apply talk radio “logic” to Washington and it just embarrassed the republicans. What’s our answer to

(Pedantic hat on) TECHNICALLY this is the first Spiderman in the Marvel franchise. The others were Sony’s. So every Spiderman in the Marvel franchise has been the exact same age.

My Catholic school upbringing consisted of guilt and shame. No smugness.

Whoever the flipped coins says got heads.

More bothersome? The people who outright hate gay people, discriminate against them, beat them, murder them. This group of people are probably around 97th on the top 100 list of gay people problem people.

I’m not a fan of the Catholic Church. Not a fan of the Yakuza either. In either case, I don’t see why they can’t hire or exclude whatever staff members they want. It’s their club.

News Flash! Catholics gonna Catholic! Full story at 110 AD

Why is every article you write always about homosexuality?

It’s like getting angry at water because it insists on staying wet.

In other news, it is confirmed that the pope is Catholic, poops in the woods.


“I’m don’t entirely understand” don’t have to. Just look at the pretty bodies.

So much cleavage in that Baywatch trailer that the characters were drowning in it, if only there was a service to help out with that...

Maybe. On the other hand, working with friends (and people you know well), just like living with friends, can be a disaster. What will happen to your friendship when you have to fire your friend’s daughter? I think family (and friends) and work/money should be kept as far apart as possible.

Honestly, I tend not to hire people I know. Be that friends or relatives. Why? Because I want to be able to fire my vendors if they do a shitty job. And I want to be able to be objective and realize they are doing a shitty job.

Your one of those people that complains about how cold your water is after asking for ice, aren’t you?

Black woman here. If my son or daughter wanted an internship or summer associate position at the firm where I am a partner, unless my kid is unqualified (i.e., subpar grades) then I’m going to give them a bump in getting hired, even if other candidates are “more qualified” (i.e., have better grades, more relevant

And you wonder why liberlism is losing.