Castile didn’t commit any crime. He made a mistake. He reached for his ID which was near his firearm. Any firearms safety course will tell you not to reach for anything remotely near your firearm.
Castile didn’t commit any crime. He made a mistake. He reached for his ID which was near his firearm. Any firearms safety course will tell you not to reach for anything remotely near your firearm.
I’m not a police officer and have never been in Yanez’s position. He, most likely, should have been trained better.
This means nothing. Even less in Russia.
Not if I get to her first. The race is on. To the greyest go the spoils.
Try harder.
Does skinny Ken even lift?
“...the rest of her group reported that Hassanen had fallen behind.”
Here we go again. Was there a body cam? Footage would be interesting.
Oh dear, of course I haven’t been enslaved for 500 years. Neither have you. In fact, no one has. People don’t live that long. It’s science.
Oh dear, of course I haven’t been enslaved for 500 years. Neither have you. In fact, no one has. People don’t live that long. It’s science.
This woman is brave and should be commended for coming forward.
Buy some glasses. Get over yourself. Then tryout for the U.S. Olympic team. Your mental gymnastics are quite impressive.
China needs to stop censoring it’s internet and a myriad of other things before it worries about who it sends to the moon.
Theater reviews are just as useless as movie reviews. Who gives a shit about what some critic thinks. All that matter is what the individual consumer thinks.
So to say you did not damage my non-existent white fragility. You actually reinforced that, in your dumb mind, I’m not racist. According to you, people of color can’t be racist. Since I’m a Lebanese/Syrian Arab I’m not racist. Thanks!
You want to see a racist, look in the mirror. And thank you for confirming: you are dumb and should feel dumb.
That’s not how phrasing works.
I think it’s well intentioned and smart. The people getting “outraged” are failing.
If you think this is an example of white supremacy you’re dumb and you should feel dumb.