
Eh, doubtful. I don’t doubt Trump attempting to, but between the Feds eventually locking his passport/plane down and Trump not being able to find a pilot crazy enough to do it, I just don’t see his plane ever getting off the ground.

But...As long as were discussing long shot bets, I would like to bet on Ivana’s grave

I’m pretty sure Trump has probably done the same thing.  

I hated the robot designs for the movies right off the bat, it looks like somebody just threw the whole silver drawer up in the air in slow motion and hoped it somehow formed a robot.

Thomas’ MO has always been that governance and democracy are dead ends to blacks achieving equality in America, and that the ‘free-market’ i.e. capitalism is the only tool for them to do this. His argument has always been “Just become a millionaire” or suck up to one to buy your way in, while cynically ignoring the

Whar Bell Beefer!  WHAAAAR!   

I believe you are also exempt from the remove yourself from the dangerous situation’ clause if you follow up your random gunshots with a cool catchphrase.

That’s a whole lotta words just to say “Well actually...”

So...jail it is?

It’d be nice if they could break the cycle, I just wouldn’t bet on it.

Please, those kids will just end up being broodmares for whatever right wing douchebags she arranges their marriage to. Any ‘college education’ would just be for them to develop the necessary social networking to ensure their membership to the white privileged upper elite class. Like all conservative control freaks,

Kevin Sorbo, stupid brain.

Work is work man. Could be worse. He could be Ken Sorbo.

And that hair dye job is just a few notches above Creed from the Office pouring printer ink into his hair.

Whar is Bell Beefer!   WHARRRRR!!!!!

Their investigation concluded Jayson had a sick ass Punisher sticker on his truck. Case closed.”

Let me add a fun and entirely possible wrinkle to your dream scenario here. Desantis gets the nom and Trump announces a third party run and then shakes down the GOP for half a billion not to run. The GOP pays him, he drops out but continues to shit on Desantis and the GOP for making the deal with him (because he can’t

“...which showed graphics that looked markedly worse than what was in some of the promotional images”

Damn I thought we had gotten past the Aliens: Colonial Marines style bait and switch but I guess not.

Wow, the Dems reeeeally don’t want Katie Porter in there do they?  

Out of the blue my 12 year old child expressed a desire to want to try Spaghetti-O’s so I indulged them. Their reaction was “Well, they aren’t lying, that’s pasta in a can.” They have not asked for them again since.

Well 17 year old me did gleefully participate in in my own statutory rape by a 35 year old neighbor and it wasn’t until my 30s (and starting therapy) that I finally realized that was gross and stupid.