The Gorge

And that is the thing right there. There absolutely is racism in Boston, but the idea that it is more racist than Chicago, Cleveland, LA, or NYC etc. etc. etc. Where unarmed black residents are shot with alarming frequency, or beaten with little to no provocation. It is not more more racist than NYC where housing

Boston may look at Schilling as a sports “hero”, but he is viewed as pretty ridiculous as a human being.

Truth. The whole thing is complicated, and that’s why I argue certain points. The truth is so much more pathological and contradictory than non-Boston people will understand.

Dude, I miss the MBTA. You don’t understand how rare it is to have public transit that is even that functional.

Oh heavens. An Orioles player doesn’t respect the Red Sox ... whatever will they do?

That ... stuff isn’t that impressive. Baltimore is okay to drink in, but I’m not in any rush to go back.

Thank you Samer, for not oversimplifying the topic.

I mean they definitely are there, but yes it is grossly over simplified here. There is the standard implicit racism, but Boston is more classist. People on the lower rungs release their anger on people they view as more vulnerable than them if wealth was not a factor. In fact if their target is wealthier than them,

All I can say is that the Boston Police Department hasn’t gotten in trouble for killing or beating an unarmed black guy recently, unlike some communities I could name.

OK, good. Ban the goons.

Oh and if you are thinking of the Twitter stuff, that’s a whole other mess. I remember reading several pieces that claimed that those accounts were traced back to people outside of the Boston area, but regardless Twitter is awful.

Agreed. It’s like the Yankees suck chants that come up in the bleachers at the drop of a hat and it’s like “hey numb nuts, they are playing the Twins right now”. I suspect that this was more than anything the laziest way to get under the skin of an opposing player. It’s not like Red Sox fans don’t love JBJ and Mookie

That’s because he was playing in Montreal. Days of Y’Orr did a piece after the trade to the effect of “Thank god I can now love PK Subban”

Counterpoint: I grew up in MA and I didn’t hear racist stuff except from white kids trying to emulate rappers during the 90s and from transplants from Detroit, New Jersey, and the South. People like to cast Boston in the light due to the busing issue, but ignore that the white flight type of self sorting that

Both anthems kind of suck as songs. US anthem should be Superfly. Informer would most honestly reflect Canadianess. :-D

And again, where are you from?

People from there know enough that Brighton is part of Boston. It’s like saying Staten Island instead of New York.

He is. The 70s were an amazing time in hockey. Pearl clutch if you want. That shit is hilarious.

He is there to play a clown (though it’s questionable if he is aware of that). It’s the whole hot taek trend.

Joey’s summary pretty much nailed it. It was made worse by the fact the he actually performed pretty well (for that time) as a coached, then needlessly got himself in over his head.