The General

I didn’t mean to insinuate that the democrat’s overheated responses to Trump’s rhetoric helped lose them the election, I meant to clearly state it.

Are you saying he’s an asshole whose ugly populist rhetoric in the primaries was reprehensible? Sure, I’m on board. But what does that have to do with fascism?

Do I think the EC is still needed? Hell yes. Today the fault lines are as much ethnic and economic as they are geographic and religious, they are most certainly still there.

I think you have about as much of an idea of what fascism is that the dipshits who called Obama a fascist did.

As one of those who gladly starred the OP’s post, this whole thread is just wild. Overriding legal procedure because a vote didn’t turn out the way you’d hoped is a patently absurd concept in modern politics, and I have no clue how people have become as hypocritical as they have. This whole election reflects so

A) He won

Umm, no; why are you taking that comparison so literally. What I’m saying is that it’s foolish to complain about something not being what it’s not. The manual for the United States—you know, that Constitution thing—makes it very clear in Article II that the electors select the president; “the people” are never

Technically it happened it 1836.

I’m also really encouraged by the liberals who have spent the past eight years patting themselves on the back for voting for Obama twice. They are ready to spend the next four years complaining and blaming rather than becoming involved in anything aimed at making changes at all.